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About finewave App . Production
This is my first app. It's officially released!
A relaxing pet raising game
"Papipupe~" for iOS


■Play with cute pets! Interact with cute pets.
You can take care of them using hearts that accumulate every few minutes.
Pet them, feed them, dress them up... Take care of your pets in various ways and enjoy their cuteness.
As you progress through the game, you can also take photos of your pets and display them.
■Good things happen when you become friends with a pet! When you become friends with a pet, you can change its appearance and it will give you new costumes as gifts.
Costumes and appearance can be customized to your liking.
Create your own unique pet.
If they become really good friends, maybe a new pet will come to play...?
■Aim to complete the collection! There are 6 types of pets to interact with, and a total of over 80 different looks to choose from! The key to increasing the number of themes and frames is to interact with various pets. Aim to complete all the elements! But when you pet your pet, do so gently and slowly, okay?

finewave App . Production
The second app has been released!
Cute dress up game
" Happy Princess " for iOS

Happy Princess logo_edited.jpg


■はじめに好きな女の子とフレームを選ぼう! 2人のプリンセス、2つのフレームから好きな方を選んでゲームを始めよう。 プリンセスはそれぞれ着られるお洋服やアクセサリーが違うよ。 プリンセスもフレームもあとから選びなおせるから、気軽に選んでね!

■キレイなお洋服をきせよう! プリンセスの周りに広がるお洋服とアクセサリー。


お洋服もアクセサリーも種類はたくさんあるから、コーディネートは自由自在。 たくさんの種類の中から好きなものを選んで、自分だけのベストコーディネートを見つけよう。

■サイコーの写真を撮ろう! さつえいボタンを押すと、あなただけのプリンセスの写真が撮れるよ。 撮った写真はスマホに保存されるから、 自分だけのお気に入りのコーディネートをお友達に自慢しちゃえ!

Regarding Privacy Policy.

Acquisition of user information

This app does not collect any personal information about users.

Use of User Information

This app does not use any personal information of users.

Provision of user information to third parties

This app will not provide users' personal information to third parties.

Tools used

This application uses AdMob (Google Inc.) as an advertising distribution tool.
AdMob may collect user information automatically.
Please check the application privacy policy of the ad distribution provider for information on the information to be collected, the purpose of use, and provision to third parties.

Contact Information

© 2001 finewave Inc.

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